Gay bars boston wednesday nights

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SATURDAY: Drag Me To The Main Stage Hosted by DeeDee de Ray THURSDAY: Now That’s What I Call A Drag Show! hosted by Amanda Playwith & Crystal RPDR viewing party & Drag Me To The Main Stage hosted by Destiny THURSDAY: NEW NIGHT: Discoteca Musica Latina w/ DJ Begbick RPDR viewing party & DJ Begbick DJ Brian Derrick Sunday brunch & Tea w/ DJ Andrea Stamas Karaoke w/ VJ Ryan Grow DJ Jay Ine Brunch & Tea at d w/ DJ Joe Bermudez Cabaret – Call 61 to reserve seats to shows THURSDAY: Red Sox vs White Sox “High Noon” Seltzer Tasting 6-8PM | Red Sox vs Orioles Red Sox vs Orioles Doubleheader & Brunch starts | Red Sox vs Orioles Cafe THURSDAY: Trivia Night RPDR viewing party & DJ Scott Helms DJ RPrice Bearaoke Taco Thursdays start RPDR viewing party w/ Harlow Havoc & Friday Feels w/ Twisted Gleam Leggings Party w/ music by Twisted Gleam Disco Brunch 11AM If you have an event you want included, email Boston Gay Bars Below is a list of what is happening in Boston.

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